Symposium Day 1: Friday, June 1, 2018
5pm Reception
5:45pm Welcome
6:00-7:45pm Opening Keynote: Cat Glover, Dr. Fink & Ingrid Chavez
8-10pm Screening
Symposium Day 2: Saturday, June 2, 2018
9:00-9:45am Light Refreshments
9:45-10:00am Welcome
1:15-2:45pm Lunch
Crossing the Line: Lovesexy Viewed as Prince’s First Major Declaration of Christian Faith by Erica ThompsonSpooky Electric Speaks: Prince’s Lovesexy, and Its Parent, The Black Album by Steven FullwoodPrince's dark precursor: blackness, commodity, and evil by Arun SaldanhaGospel According to Prince: A Liberation Theology of the Sacred Profane by Fredara Mareva Hadley
Glam Slammed: Visual Identity in Prince’s Lovesexy by Kirsty Fairclough & Mike AlleyneNever Naked: The Lovesexy Cover as An Act of Resistance by Monique W Morris‘The Overlord of Fresh': How Prince’s Lovesexy Style Influenced Early Hip Hop Fashion Trends (and Vice Versa) by Aisha Khalilah StaggersA Woman Named Cat by Kamilah Cummings